
Balancing Hormones, Enhancing Fertility: Acupuncture at Ommmango Wellness

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, known as qi. This ancient therapy is rooted in the belief that imbalances in qi can lead to health issues, and by restoring balance through acupuncture, overall health and well-being can be improved. Balancing Hormones, Enhancing Fertility: Acupuncture at Ommmango Wellness

Can you Manage Anxiety and Depression with Acupuncture?

Acupuncture therapy, rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing. This ancient practice aims to restore balance to the body’s energy pathways, known as meridians, thereby addressing a wide range of physical and emotional ailments. 6 Reasons to Try Can you Manage Anxiety and Depression with Acupuncture?


BIO Gina Pierre, LAC, is a licensed acupuncturist. She is also the chief executive officer (CEO) and founder of Ommmango Wellness in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, New York City, New York. As an acupuncturist, Dr. Gina Pierre specializes in treating women’s health, chronic pain, emotional disturbances, and pain resulting from acute injury or illness. The medium DR. GINA PIERRE, LMT, DAC


THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE OF TODAY’S WORLD CAN LEAVE US MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, AND PHYSICALLY EXHAUSTED— RESULTING IN US SOMETIMES DEVELOPING VARIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS. The hustle and bustle of today’s world can leave us mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted— resulting in us sometimes developing various health problems. Therefore, the need to adopt practices that can promote THE POWER OF THERAPY